The double stroke Photoshop effect looks great for typography designs. With the multiple outlines Photoshop action, you can make a double outline font. Fill Type. Strokes can be filled with color, gradient or pattern.Opacity. Use the slider to set the transparency for the stroke.It’s useful if you place the text over an image or a photo. Blend Mode. Use these to control how the text stroke will interact with the colors or layers under the stroke.There are three choices: Inside (stroke inside the edges of the text), Center (stroke inside and out of the text) and Outside (stroke outside edge of the text) Position. Choose a Position for the stroke.Size. Set the size or width to the desired amount by using either the slider or enter your own value.Repeat the process to add multiple outlines and create a font border. TIP: To add multiple outlines, convert the previous Smart Object in a new Smart Object and, add another Stroke layer style. Open the Layer Style window and add a Stroke layer style.Convert the Text layer into a Smart Object.To add double stroke Photoshop effect follow these: Check the Stroke layer style to outline the text.Double click on the Text layer to open the Layer Style window.Use the Type Tool to add a Text layer in Photoshop.Add stroke to text in Photoshop in just a few steps: You can turn any font into an outline font. How to outline text in Photoshop? It’s easy, just add a layer style and use the Stroke option. Create your own outline font in just a few seconds! How To Outline Text In Photoshop
How to add border to text in photoshop for free#
Outline Photoshop action that you can download for free from PhotoshopSupply.